Jourdan, a young wife of a former porn addict, strongly encourages accountability apps for porn recovery on her popular TikTok channel @ThatsNotLove. She praises Ever Accountable for helping to restore their marriage.
But, she’s not the only woman who loves Ever Accountable, so we turned to our community of app users for three simple but profound reasons why wives and partners love Ever Accountable.
1. Accountability apps help rebuild trust in relationships
“To reach long-term sobriety, you need accountability, connection, and community,” notes Jourdan. “Ever Accountable has been one of the biggest tools in transforming our marriage. It’s been a huge tool for rebuilding trust.”
She strongly advocates for women to set a strict boundary of zero tolerance for porn use in their relationship. “Using porn IS cheating,” says Jourdan.
Jaco, a husband and user of Ever Accountable, agrees.
“The fact that I just could not get ahold of porn and the boundary that this app gives, helped me more than I can put into words.
The very first report my wife received was an anxious one for her, but when she received a clean report, it made such an impact that she could not hold back the tears.
THAT very moment (when I saw the result of my not watching porn) was the turning point.
Since then, I have had clean reports every week, and that suspense of ‘When will he watch porn again?’ has stopped.
There is a freedom in our relationship, and the fact that I do not have to hide my phone or clear the browsing history on every device all the time really gives peace and builds trust in our relationship.” ~ Jaco
Another wife noted how a simple green check mark on her husband’s report powerfully affects her well-being.
“This product has helped create accountability and trust within our marriage. There are no secrets, and it creates a space where we can talk about things. It makes my whole day when I see the email with the green check mark!” – Caylie

2. Using an accountability app for quitting porn is an effective boundary.
“Ever Accountable has kept him away from pornography for several months now, and as he puts it, the desire to look at pornography is gone.
He has become a changed person.
I can see and witness the physical change in him — the light in his eyes and his countenance — and the change that has come over our whole family because of it.” – anonymous wife
“How to make him stop watching porn” is no longer the main focus.
Boundaries create respect for partners and freedom in your relationship. Many wives don’t want to “babysit” their husbands. Installing Ever Accountable in every device allows the app to be the monitor, bringing peace of mind to a partner who’s been betrayed by their significant other’s porn use.
“It has been over two years since I have viewed porn, and I am very proud of that! Now I have a feeling of self-respect.” – Bruce
Jourdan also notes that Ever Accountable was key to her husband’s personal transformation. Others who commit to using an accountability app echo her experience.
14-Day Free Trial
Protection From Pornography
Change your habits, change your life: Start our 14-day free trial to help get rid of pornography for good.
3. Accountability and freedom from porn improves life for everyone in the family.
Women want their families to experience a man whose actions match his words. Nothing is more powerful than a positive example of accountability! Finding freedom from porn creates positive expectations and healthy motivation for other family members to stay away from porn, too.
“I absolutely love your app! When we started our journey toward healing with my spouse, never did I imagine that I would have a teenager that would also need this app.
It has helped this family of six have open, constructive conversations about screen time and the dangers lurking EVERYWHERE. Thank you for all you do with this program.” – Leah
“This app has helped both my husband and my 15-year-old son. My son recently had an incident where he came across some pornographic images. I didn’t have to tell him anything about it.
He instead self-reported and turned in his phone to me since he knows our expectations. The app has allowed him to maintain his accountability and honesty, and it is helping us restore our trust in him.
Also, my husband has struggled with pornography addiction. He recently started professional help, and your app has allowed him to stay accountable with me and his sponsor. He has been 11 months clean!! Huge victory!” – anonymous wife and mom

“I finally have the guy I knew was in there somewhere… Thank you!! You have changed our lives… Even though he did it in secret,
it affected each of our lives so much.
My 6 kids needed a dad.” – anonymous wife and mom
Why women love Ever Accountable - in a nutshell
Using an accountability app allows both partners to focus on something other than problematic porn use in their relationship.
When accountability is consistent, it’s powerfully transformative!
Here’s one key reason why: Heart-felt trust is always earned. Over time, clean accountability reports provide actual proof of a partner’s efforts to be faithful. Shattered trust and broken hearts can gradually heal, restoring dignity and peace to both partners.
What price tag can you put on trust or the freedom to focus on family and your mission in life?
Women love Ever Accountable because it has transformed their spouse/partner and their personal lives. While the relationship is going through the restoration process (by her spouse/partner’s honest efforts), her husband (or partner) is gaining a better sense of their true self and confidence, often becoming sensitive again to his wife/partner and commitment to the marriage/relationship.
We treasure nothing more than testimonials like Jourdan’s:
“Ever Accountable has been one of the biggest tools in transforming our marriage.”
*Ever Accountable’s blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or therapy, though we often link to medically reviewed studies.
14-Day Free Trial
Protection From Pornography
Change your habits, change your life: Start our 14-day free trial to help get rid of pornography for good.