
16 May
| 0

Understanding Pornography Triggers in Recovery

Posted by Katie Patterson | How to, Pornography Facts, Prevention, Recovery

Understanding pornography triggers - how they work and how to avoid them - requires answering the larger question of why a person is triggered. Pornography…

18 Jan
| 0

The Importance of Self-Compassion in Pornography Recovery

Posted by Katie Patterson | How to, Recovery

As much as we want it to be easy, pornography recovery can be a challenge, one often riddled with setbacks and relapses. You don't have…

07 Jan
| 0

Dashboard: Why Can’t I View My Own Reports?

Posted by Katie Patterson | How to, Updates

Until recently, users and accountability partners had different places to log in and see either reports or their account information. Now we have streamlined the…

20 Jul
| 0

Accountability Partner Training #1: Why Do People Look at Pornography?

Posted by Ever Accountable Team | How to, Transparency & Accountability

There are many reasons people look at pornography.The crazy thing is that most of the time, it isn't about sex.It isn't about how beautiful, thin…

20 Jul
| 0

Accountability Partner Training #2: Your Role as an Accountability Partner

Posted by Ever Accountable Team | How to, Transparency & Accountability

As pornography thrives in secrecy, removing that secrecy is a powerful tool.Your friend will have extra strength and motivation to avoid pornography knowing that you…

20 Jul
| 0

Accountability Partner Training #3: What Should I Do If I Discover That My Friend Looked At Pornography?

Posted by Ever Accountable Team | How to, Transparency & Accountability

You're probably wondering what to do if/when you find out your friend looked at pornography.When a bad report comes it's simple.Contact your friend and ask,…

20 Jul
| 0

Accountability Partner Training #4: Justification Sounds Like…

Posted by Ever Accountable Team | How to, Transparency & Accountability

Let's talk about what to do when your friend justifies himself or herself in looking at pornography. A justification like this always contains a lie.…

20 Jul
| 0

Accountability Partner Training #5: What is a Trigger?

Posted by Ever Accountable Team | How to, Transparency & Accountability

A trigger is anything that starts the mind going down a road that ends in viewing pornography. Your friend could be triggered by a variety…


Expect More Than an App

We are here for you through meaningful articles, emails, and guides to keep you on track. Our customer service and support teams care about your success and will respond quickly with questions or comments you have. We will give you everything at our disposal to help you quit porn for good and get back to thriving.