Reading Time: 2 minutesHelping people live in the light is rewarding (and complicated)
We know that the nature of our product puts us in a tricky situation with people. Many of our customers just want to maintain trust or protect the boundaries they've set up for themselves, but we also have many customers who are with us because they are addicted to pornography (or were, before they found us).We love this space. Building internet accountability apps and helping folks live in the light is rewarding. As rewarding as it is to do what we do, though, it's also very complicated. Ever Accountable is, after all, a software company. At it's core, Ever Accountable is a suite of multi-platform applications that all collect data, and that data is sent to our system where it can be evaluated for suspicious or blacklisted content. This is not easy! In fact, we warn accountability partners in the report to be aware that no computerized system is perfect at distinguishing between right and wrong. We highly recommend that the report be read regularly and in detail but with care and understanding that it's possible for the system to get it wrong every now and then.
Making the best accountability apps possible, with your feedback
Of course, just because something can't be perfect doesn't mean we don't want it to be great! We're always scheming and iterating for our users' good and the betterment of our product, and we're at it again. Our team recently began work on our content classifier. The classifier is what determines whether some content is flagged as suspicious or not. As we make improvements to this key function of our system, we want to make sure we use all that we have at our disposal to make the most significant improvements possible.
As always, we value your opinion. So, we're asking for your assistance in the form of feedback.
From now on, if you see something on the report that you feel was misclassified, please tell us! We've even provided an easy way to do so. Just click on the entry to bring up the modal box for more information. Once you've done that, scroll to the bottom and find the feedback form.

We'll keep working to improve our apps, and you keep doing whatever it is that you're good at. In the meantime, if you see something that could be a little better, let us know!